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07.10.2001, 19:28 #226
Beiträge: 988
Fehler im story Ordner -
Das stand im Zspy, also ich blicke da nicht mehr durch.

[i] 00:00 ++++++++++++++ Start by ++++++++++++++
[i] 00:00 Info: 3 B: V Initialize zBinkPlayer .... <zbinkplayer.cpp,#29>
[i] 00:00 Info: 3 B: GMAN: Initialize GameManager .... <oGameManager.cpp,#492>
[i] 00:00 Info: 2 B: zOPT: Initialize configurations .... <Zoption.cpp,#745>
[i] 00:00 Info: 3 B: zOPT: Found file paths.d .... <Zoption.cpp,#771>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Initialising Parser .... <Zoption.cpp,#775>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Parsing paths.d ... .... <Zoption.cpp,#778>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 U: PAR: paths.d : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Analysing paths.d ... .... <Zoption.cpp,#781>
[w] 00:00 Warn: 0 B: GOTHIC: Abnormal exit of gothic detected. .... <Zzbert.cpp,#91>
[i] 00:00 Info: 2 B: zDSK: InitFileSystem .... <Zdisk.cpp,#1627>
[i] 00:00 Info: 1 B: VFILE: Initializing filesystem (VDFS) ... .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#533>
[i] 00:00 Info: 2 B: VFILE: Loading VDFs ... .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#543>
[i] 00:22 Info: 2 B: VFILE: VDFS successfully initialized: 2 drives, 1 found. .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#551>
[i] 00:22 Info: 3 D: RESMAN: Classes registered: zCSoundFX zCTexture .... <zResource.cpp,#362>
[i] 00:22 ---------------
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** ZenGin v1.00 - developed 1997-2001 Mad Scientists .... <zEngine.cpp,#134>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** Mad Scientists: Hildebrandt, Wohlers, Speckels .... <zEngine.cpp,#135>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** compiled: Jul 27 2001, release-build .... <zEngine.cpp,#142>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** zEngine-Init ... .... <zEngine.cpp,#143>
[i] 00:22 Info: 5 D: RENDERER: no renderer specified, trying D3D (dev0) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:22 Info: 2 X: RND_D3D: Initializing Direct3D ... .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#144>
[i] 00:22 Info: 5 X: [RND3D-Constructor]: D3DXInitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#147>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: Store Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetDevice: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: Setting New Mode... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#577>
[i] 00:25 Info: 4 X: RND_D3D: SetMode .. .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#500>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: Store Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: 640 x 480 x 16(device:0 mode:0) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: D3DXInitialize done .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Found Primary Display Driver Microsoft Direct3D Hardware Transform and Lighting acceleration capable device .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Switching to Primary Display Driver Microsoft Direct3D Hardware Transform and Lighting acceleration capable device .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Hardware TnL supported. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_TestCapabilities: All textures must have widths and heights specified as powers of 2 ! .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_TestCapabilities: Device has passed capability tests. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: szDriver=NVDD32.DLL .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce2 MX .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wProduct=4 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wVersion=12 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wSubVersion=1 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wBuild=532 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwVendorId=4318 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwDeviceId=272 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwSubSysId=1075384387 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwRevision=161 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT1 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT2 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT3 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT4 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT5 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Maximal texture width -> 2048 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Maximal texture height -> 2048 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Alpha testing supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Color-Buffer depth:16 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: W-Buffer depth:16 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - windowed mode possible .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - gamma correction enabled .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#779>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - total videomem:31680512 .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#798>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - free videomem:30193664 .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#799>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - w-based fog supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Start to rebuild vertexbuffers ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Vertexbuffers rebuild done. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: Start to rebuild saved textures (lightmaps) ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: Number of rebuild textures:0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 3 D: TEX: texMaxSize: 2048, texScaleSize: 4, texScaleBP -1 .... <zTexture.cpp,#554>
[i] 00:28 Info: 4 X: RND_D3D: SetMode .. .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#500>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#508>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: FNT: Loading Font: font_default.tga .... <zFonts.cpp,#196>
[i] 00:28 Info: 4 B: FONT: Loading Font-Data: _WORKDATATEXTURES_COMPILEDFONT_DEFAULT.FNT .... <zFonts.cpp,#361>
[i] 00:28 Info: 3 C: MUS: Loading file 'systemmusic.src or .dat' .... <zMusic_DM.cpp,#369>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading MUSIC.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 285 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 2872 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 C: *** Miles Sound System implementation v 0.1 .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#483>
[i] 00:29 Info: 3 C: SND: Loading file 'systemsfx.src or .dat' .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#506>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading SFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 2465 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 32771 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: *** mss.dll version 6.0k .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#628>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: success :Device: DirectSound - MSS Mixer .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#679>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found 3d sound provider: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#2159>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: used 3d sound provider: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#2178>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Autopan Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Capture Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Chorus Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Compressor Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Flange Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: HighPass Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Lagrangian Interpolator .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: LowPass Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Mono Delay Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Parametric EQ Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb1 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb2 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb3 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Stereo Delay Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: ShelvingEQ Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 4 C: opening reverb3 filter processor .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#706>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: zCSoundManager: script sounds registered: 80 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: GROUNDSHADOW.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: Loading lensflare-script 'lensflare.zen' (7 fx). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (1 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (15 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: PFX: Loading pfx-script ... .... <zParticle.cpp,#247>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: PFX: Loading file 'systemparticlefx.src or .dat' .... <zParticle.cpp,#251>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading PARTICLEFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 4586 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 95004 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: DEMON_DIE.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: COLDUMMY.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: healbody.3ds .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: ITMI_RING_01.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: HEALBODY.3DS .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: TELEPORT_AURA.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: NC_OREHEAP_PFX.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: Healbody.3DS .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: PFX: Num ParticleFX: 280 .... <zParticle.cpp,#297>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 D: INPUT: Initializing DirectInput .. .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#375>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 D: INPUT: keyboard initialized .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#386>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: INPUT: mouse NOT initialized. .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#394>
[i] 00:31 Info: 0 D: *** zEngine-Init ... Done ! .... <zEngine.cpp,#156>
[i] 00:31 ---------------
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 C: *** Visual FX Implementation v0.5 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 C: VFX: Loading file 'systemvisualfx.src or .dat' .... <oVisFX.cpp,#751>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading VISUALFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 1170 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 14713 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 B: SG: Initializing savegame-manager ... .... <osavegame.cpp,#247>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 0 found: "- - -" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 1 found: "- - -1" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 2 found: "- - -2" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 3 found: "- - -3" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 4 found: "- - -4" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 C: VFX: Loading file 'systemvisualfx.src or .dat' .... <oVisFX.cpp,#751>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading VISUALFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 1170 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 14713 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: SPC: Loading binary output-library 'OU.BIN' ... .... <zCCSManager.cpp,#384>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 B: CSLib: loading library ... .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#33>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 B: CSLib: Number of items: 7360 (UnArc) .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#39>
[i] 00:41 Info: 3 B: CSLib: Sorting library ... .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#57>
[i] 00:41 Info: 3 B: CSLib: finished loading library .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#64>
[i] 00:41 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: MAGICFRONTIER_OUT.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:42 Info: 3 B: GAME: Loading file 'contentgothic.src or .dat' .... <oGame.cpp,#714>
[i] 00:42 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading GOTHIC.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 36070 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 1110692 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 3 B: NPC: Loading file 'contentfight.src or .dat' .... <oNpc_Fight.cpp,#134>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading FIGHT.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 369 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 7042 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 3 U: AI: Reading Script-fight-ai finished .... <oNpc_Fight.cpp,#152>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: NPC: Found player-perception AssessMagic. .... <oNPC.cpp,#14567>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: GUILDSuild-attitude-table changed : GIL_ATTITUDES .... <oGuilds.cpp,#132>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: INF: 1533 Infos found. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: TRADE: 2 ItemReactModules found. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 C: MENU: Initializing menusystem .... <Zmenu.cpp,#102>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 C: MENU: Loading file 'systemmenu.src or .dat' .... <Zmenu.cpp,#106>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading MENU.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 1095 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 30339 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 C: Creating Sound Instance MENU_BROWSE (alternative: 0) .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#1202>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 C: Creating Sound Instance MENU_SELECT (alternative: 0) .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#1202>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 C: Creating Sound Instance MENU_ESC (alternative: 0) .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#1202>
[w] 00:49 Warn: 0 B: ERR: BLOCK-END in D:devgothiccurrent_workZenGin_DieterzEngine.cpp missed: at BLOCK-END in D:devgothiccurrent_workGothic_BertoGameManager.cpp line 584 .... <zError.cpp,#423>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 B: SPC: Loading file 'systemsfx.src or .dat' .... <pc_ParseTools.cpp,#96>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading SFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#548>
[i] 00:49 Info: 4 B: SPCCFG: Defined Matfilter "[TRASH]" with id 0 .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#430>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#548>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winToolbarObjects .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winToolbarAction .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winObjectBar .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 4 B: SPC: Loading ObjectPresets ... .... <spcCObjPreset.cpp,#76>
[i] 00:49 Info: 4 B: SPC: Read ObjectPresets "ZCCSCAMERA.OPF" .... <spcCObjPreset.cpp,#106>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (154 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winMain .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winInformation .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 B: SPC: Loading Help-Files .... <spcCHelpDlg.cpp,#156>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winObjectOperations .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winCutsceneSequencer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winVobContainer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 3 B: SPC: InitInstance finished .... <pacer.cpp,#332>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winToolbarObjects .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winToolbarAction .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPC: Saving settings .. .... <ainfrm.cpp,#1091>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPCCFG: Saving configurations ... .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#156>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winToolbarObjects .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winToolbarAction .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winObjectBar .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winMain .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winInformation .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winObjectOperations .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winCutsceneSequencer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winVobContainer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPCCFG: Saving configurations ... .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#169>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPC: Saving presets .. .... <spcCObjPreset.cpp,#133>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (10 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPC: Mainframe-Reset .... <ainfrm.cpp,#1264>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (10 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:21 Info: 3 B: SPC: ExitInstance ... .... <pacer.cpp,#414>
[i] 01:21 Info: 4 B: SPC: Deinit ... .... <pacer.cpp,#416>
[i] 01:21 Info: 3 B: GOTHIC: Exiting game ... .... <oGameManager.cpp,#615>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: Shutdown D3D subsystem (Destructor) .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#237>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: XD3D_ClearDevice: Releasing old mode ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: [RND3D-Destructor]: D3DXUninitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#246>
[i] 01:21 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCSavegameInfo: 22 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[f] 01:21 Fault: 0 D: OBJ: Memory leaks found! .... <zObject.cpp,#700>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCWorld: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCObjectFactory: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCMsgConversation: 7360 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCCSPlayer: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCCSManager: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: zCCSLib: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: zCCSBlock: 7361 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: zCCSAtomicBlock: 7360 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 ---------------
07.10.2001, 19:30 #227
Beiträge: 988
Fehler im story Ordner -
Huch es ist ein wenig lang geworden;)
07.10.2001, 19:35 #228
Beiträge: 988
Projekt: Unsere Homepage -
Tsssss wenn man um 13 Uhr erst aufwacht ist es kein wunder, für mich fängt Nachmittag erst um 0 Uhr:D
07.10.2001, 22:05 #229
Beiträge: 988
Fehler im story Ordner -
so Malek dies sind rot gefärbt:

[F] 09:38 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYCHAPTERSB_STORY_FMTAKEN.D: Unknown identifier : INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:50 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : MILTEN_HASLETTER .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:50 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : MILTEN_HASLETTER .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:56 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : MILTEN_HASLETTER .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:57 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : DIA_MILTEN_COMESBACK .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:57 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_PC_THIEF.D: Unknown identifier : INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[f] 10:13 Fault: 0 D: OBJ: Memory leaks found! .... <zObject.cpp,#700>
08.10.2001, 11:01 #230
Beiträge: 988
@malek (aufnahme) -
Malek ich glaub das ist das erste mal das wir jemanden ablehnen.
08.10.2001, 13:32 #231
Beiträge: 988
Gme -
DHA du mußt den Anmelde Formular füllen.
09.10.2001, 20:29 #232
Beiträge: 988
Das Zuhause des ZuX -
Joni woher sammelst du nur solche Threads:D
12.10.2001, 23:05 #233
Beiträge: 988
ich muß mich von euch für einige zeit trennen!!! - ich muß mich von euch für einige zeit trennen!!!
Hi leute ich werde lange zeit mich nicht hier blicken lassen, ich muß lange zeit offline bleiben. Fragt bitte nicht warum. Aber ich werde zurückkommen. Ich hoffe wenn ich zurück bin dann bin ich immernoch einer von euch.

bis dann
Gruß sezer
19.10.2001, 09:24 #234
Beiträge: 988
Eh Joni Herzlich.....................:D

P.S hier wird meiner meinung zu viel gespammt
19.10.2001, 09:31 #235
Beiträge: 988
[bx] Der Chat des internen Bereiches -
Ich glaub es war klar das ich nicht kommen konnte.
19.10.2001, 19:09 #236
Beiträge: 988
@ dha
das ist doch kein spamm wenn ich joni gratuliere, tsssssssssss
22.10.2001, 19:23 #237
Beiträge: 988
@ DHA: Jetzt ist SCHLUSS! -
oh ist es nicht ein wenig zu hart?
Ich meine könnte man es nicht erstmal warnen. Aber da ich nicht zum traumvirat gehöre hab ich ich auch nichts zum entscheiden;)
20.11.2001, 11:51 #238
Beiträge: 988
[bx] )))WICHTIG((( An alle Mitglieder des ZuX -
ich kann am wochenenden abends.
16.12.2001, 16:13 #239
Beiträge: 988
@malek -
HI leutz ich bin auch wieder da
16.12.2001, 16:29 #240
Beiträge: 988
[bx] Der ZuX.... geht es weiter??? -
Leute ok ich mach wieder mit;) Ab jetzt werdet ihr mich wieder öfter hier im Forum sehen.
17.12.2001, 15:20 #241
Beiträge: 988
Was ist hier los!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Was ist hier los!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leute hier postet kein Arsch mehr rein. Was ist los seit ihr alle im winterschlaf. Malek hast überhaupt noch Lust hier Moderator zu sein.
Ich hab gestern wieder angefangen Gothic zu zocken und es macht nach unzähligen durchspielen immernoch spass. Na ja ich kann ja euch nicht zwingen Gothic zu spielen oder hier im Forum zu posten. Also ich werde hier sein und so werd es auch im Zukunft bleiben. Also denkt troztden nach ob ihr hier weitermachen wollt.

P.S Hoffentlich wird überhaupt jemand diesen Thread hier Lesen, denn es sind (noch)nicht mehr viele hier die, die Threads lesen.
17.12.2001, 18:00 #242
Beiträge: 988
Was ist hier los!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Ein Sequel für Gothic könnte den ZuX retten.
21.12.2001, 16:24 #243
Beiträge: 988
Keine Lust mehr oder wie -
Aber was willst du denn hier schreiben. Es gibt einfach nichts mehr vorüber man diskutieren kann.
22.12.2001, 14:30 #244
Beiträge: 988
Was ist hier los!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Na ja hoffen wir das der ZuX überlebt. Also ich stehe hinterm ZuX.
22.12.2001, 14:35 #245
Beiträge: 988
Keine Lust mehr oder wie -
OK sagen wir mal es gibt nicht mehr soviel Themen vorüber man über Gothic diskutiern kann.
22.12.2001, 14:39 #246
Beiträge: 988
@malek -
Ok ich lass mich wieder mal hier blicken. Aber mein frage ist ob Malek sich noch hier blicken lässt.
23.12.2001, 17:07 #247
Beiträge: 988
Hero import????? - Hero import?????
Ich hätte ne frage:

1. Wenn man Neues Spiel macht und sein Hero importiert, was muß man im datei ändern damit man wirklich von neu spielen kann.

2. Da ich seit etwas länger kein Gothic gezockt hatte, weiß nicht mehr ob die Monster sich beim 3 und 4 Kapitel respawnen. Die Monster respawnen sich nicht mehr bei mir ist das so richtig..
23.12.2001, 18:09 #248
Beiträge: 988
Hero import????? -
Aber das problem ist das überhaupt keine Monster mehr nach dem kapitel wechsel erscheinen.
23.12.2001, 21:45 #249
Beiträge: 988
Im Ork Tempel -
Ich glaub du mußt zur den Raum gehen wo unter dir löcher sind und da an der Wand ist ein Loch......
weiter verrate ich nicht, du sollst es ja selber spielen;)
23.12.2001, 21:48 #250
Beiträge: 988
Gilber? -
Nein zur diesen Sachen gibt es kein Quest.Und Gilbert lohnt sich garnicht ihn zu suchen.
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