World of Gothic Archiv
Alle Beiträge von Jezabel
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05.07.2003, 15:54 #1
Beiträge: 1
English Forum? - English Forum?
Sorry for posting in english. I am looking for a forum (Message board) on Goth in English.

Please let me know if there are any. I need help.

I need to know how to un-jam a Winch. I have 3 templars to help me in the beginning of Chapter 2, and need to know how to open the winch. It tells me it is jammed. And no one else will talk to me from what I can see.

THANKS! and again, forry for posting in English.

I figured it out. It was mainly due to the bug. And I think I know how to cause the bug. If you Use the winch and just 'touch' the uparrow key, it causes the winch to jam. but if you HOLD DOWN the up key, then it works fine. I was able to re-load a game and use the winch properly.

Thanks all so much for all the info!
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