World of Gothic Archiv Alle Beiträge von GlutaeusMaximus |
07.07.2002, 02:30 | #1426 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Die Fantastischen Vier Hammer OK ich kam zu der Beziehung genau wie die Zahl zur Ziehung der Lottozahlen oder wie Stars zu Bravo-Otto-Wahlen bei der Misswahl meines Lebens ist sie die Nummer eins nenn es Schicksal oder Zufall oder nenn's von beiden keins sie ist die Frau, die mir den Atem raubt, mir die Sprache klaut mir auf den Magen haut mit letztenendes die Moral versaut mein letztes Hemd ist mir egal, ich spend's für ihr Geständnis wenn sie lacht, die Erkenntnis, dass die Gegenwart geschenkt ist die Zeit mit ihr ist kurz, auch wenn sie lang ist und wenn sie lang ist dann nur weil sie mal kurz nach nebenan ist bekanntlich suchen manche lebenslang nach so was amtlichen wie ihr doch der Mangel an Massel vermasselt's du puzzlest und puzzlest, suchst den Weg aus dem Schlamassel suchst im Ganzen nach dem Sinn des Lebens zwei gute Gründe findest du wenn du in ihre Augen schaust sie ist einmalig und sie sieht gut aus sie ist der Hammer ja Mann das Leben spielt wie es eben will jedenfalls kommt es eher anders als man plant oder erahnt und dann trifft's dich ohne Rücksicht, ob du willst oder nicht machst du plötzlich 'nen Glücksgriff und dann hebst du ab und schwebst, bist so high dabei als ob du über den Wolken lebst wie Reinhard Mey keine Zeit mehr für gar nix, denn seitdem sie da ist bin ich noch süchtiger nach ihr als'n Hippie nach Cannabis und ich schwitz jedesmal wenn sie den Raum betritt als ob ich mit'ner Daunenjacke in der Sauna sitz kein Witz, denn ich dreh durch wie'n Reifen im Schnee wenn ich neben ihr steh und sie mir anseh die Bombe, die alles um sich rum in die Luft jagt und jeden anderen in meinem Leben unsichtbar macht jeder Tag mit ihr zusammen ist wie vier Wochen Urlaub immer viel zu schnell vorbei weil ich nie auf die Uhr schau alles andere verpasse, meine Freunde mich hassen und drei Typen mir droh'n mich aus der Band zu entlassen doch ich kann nichts machen, weil ich nun mal an ihr kleb' wie der Scheiß an meinem Schuh wenn ich in Kaugummi tret' drum komm ich immer zu spät und alles dauert etwas länger aber bitte versteht mich, das Baby ist der Hammer Baby Baby geh nie weg von mir Baby Baby bleib bei mir sie ist meine Traumfrau und kaum schau ich ihr in die Augen lockert sie mir die Schrauben, lässt mich unentwegt an Wunder glauben mitunter rauben mir Duft und ihre Stimme meine Sinne und ich erinnere mich kaum was vor diesem Traum war bevor ich sie das allererste Mal sah da hatte ich schon die sieben Seen durchkämmt nur stand sie an Land ich war durch Wüsten gewandert aber sie lag am Strand als ich sie endlich fand wussten alle Bescheid wir war'n ein Paar wie Bonny und Clyde wir machten Kino wie Tarantino und ich war stylisch wie Robert de Niro in Casino und weil ich 'n dicken Schuh fuhr wie'n Superstar gab ich ungern zu, dass ich bei ihr nur Groupie war doch obwohl ohne Zweifel jeder Zweite um ihre Hand Schlange stand war klar, wir beide sind das Paar denn seitdem ich sie sah, wollt ich nie mehr wieder solo sein lieber allein mit'm Logo der Vier mitten in Rödelheim sie meint's ernst, es war kein Spaß mehr wo ihre Liebe hinfällt, wächst kein Gras mehr kaum schau ich auf die Uhr ist mein Glas leer klar war's schwer mich selbst zu überreden ab jetzt nicht nur ihretwegen mehr auf diesem Planeten zu sein, doch wenn sie will dann wird die ganze Welt still wie das Schweigen der Lämmer denn das Baby ist der Hammer |
07.07.2002, 02:30 | #1427 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Die Fantastischen Vier Hammer OK ich kam zu der Beziehung genau wie die Zahl zur Ziehung der Lottozahlen oder wie Stars zu Bravo-Otto-Wahlen bei der Misswahl meines Lebens ist sie die Nummer eins nenn es Schicksal oder Zufall oder nenn's von beiden keins sie ist die Frau, die mir den Atem raubt, mir die Sprache klaut mir auf den Magen haut mit letztenendes die Moral versaut mein letztes Hemd ist mir egal, ich spend's für ihr Geständnis wenn sie lacht, die Erkenntnis, dass die Gegenwart geschenkt ist die Zeit mit ihr ist kurz, auch wenn sie lang ist und wenn sie lang ist dann nur weil sie mal kurz nach nebenan ist bekanntlich suchen manche lebenslang nach so was amtlichen wie ihr doch der Mangel an Massel vermasselt's du puzzlest und puzzlest, suchst den Weg aus dem Schlamassel suchst im Ganzen nach dem Sinn des Lebens zwei gute Gründe findest du wenn du in ihre Augen schaust sie ist einmalig und sie sieht gut aus sie ist der Hammer ja Mann das Leben spielt wie es eben will jedenfalls kommt es eher anders als man plant oder erahnt und dann trifft's dich ohne Rücksicht, ob du willst oder nicht machst du plötzlich 'nen Glücksgriff und dann hebst du ab und schwebst, bist so high dabei als ob du über den Wolken lebst wie Reinhard Mey keine Zeit mehr für gar nix, denn seitdem sie da ist bin ich noch süchtiger nach ihr als'n Hippie nach Cannabis und ich schwitz jedesmal wenn sie den Raum betritt als ob ich mit'ner Daunenjacke in der Sauna sitz kein Witz, denn ich dreh durch wie'n Reifen im Schnee wenn ich neben ihr steh und sie mir anseh die Bombe, die alles um sich rum in die Luft jagt und jeden anderen in meinem Leben unsichtbar macht jeder Tag mit ihr zusammen ist wie vier Wochen Urlaub immer viel zu schnell vorbei weil ich nie auf die Uhr schau alles andere verpasse, meine Freunde mich hassen (...) doch ich kann nichts machen, weil ich nun mal an ihr kleb' wie der Scheiß an meinem Schuh wenn ich in Kaugummi tret' drum komm ich immer zu spät und alles dauert etwas länger aber bitte versteht mich, das Baby ist der Hammer Baby Baby geh nie weg von mir Baby Baby bleib bei mir sie ist meine Traumfrau und kaum schau ich ihr in die Augen lockert sie mir die Schrauben, lässt mich unentwegt an Wunder glauben mitunter rauben mir Duft und ihre Stimme meine Sinne und ich erinnere mich kaum was vor diesem Traum war bevor ich sie das allererste Mal sah da hatte ich schon die sieben Seen durchkämmt nur stand sie an Land ich war durch Wüsten gewandert aber sie lag am Strand als ich sie endlich fand wussten alle Bescheid wir war'n ein Paar wie Bonny und Clyde wir machten Kino wie Tarantino und ich war stylisch wie Robert de Niro in Casino und (...) sie meint's ernst, es war kein Spaß mehr wo ihre Liebe hinfällt, wächst kein Gras mehr |
07.07.2002, 02:31 | #1428 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
chumbawamba heaven/hell tall as houses small as spiders undefined this buzz inside us Chorus: tightrope walker chaos order i fell right into heaven/hell devil take me god forsake me made my home in heaven/hell out of ruins growing pains wide-eyed pirates crossing bones Chorus kicking giants drowned in reason breaking old building new 4x Chorus |
07.07.2002, 02:31 | #1429 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Pink Floyd High Hopes Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young In a world of magnets and miracles Our thoughts were strayed constantly without boundary The ringing of the division bell had begun Along the long road and on down the causeway Do still meet there by the cut There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps Running before time took our dreams away Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground To a life consumed by slow decay The grass was greener The light was brighter With friends surrounded The nights of wonder Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again Dragged by the force of some inner tide At higher attitude with flag unfurled We reached the dizzy heights that dreamed of world Encumbered forever by desire an ambition There’s a hunger still unsatisfied Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon Though down this road we’ve been so many times The grass was greener The light was brighter The taste was sweater The nights of wonder With friends surrounded The dawn mist glowing The water flowing The endless river Forever and ever |
07.07.2002, 02:31 | #1430 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
chumbawamba homophobia up behind the bus-stop in the toilets off the street there are traces of a killing on the floor beneath your feat mixed in with the piss and beer are bloodstains on the floor from the boy who got his head kicked in a night or two before 2x homophobia the worst disease you can’t love who you want to love in times like these in the pubs clubs burgerbars breeding pens for pigs alcohol testosterone and ignorance and fists packs of hunting animals roam across the town they find an easy victim and they punch him to the ground 2x homophobia the worst disease you can’t love who you want to love in times like these the siren of the ambulance the deadpan of the cops chalk to mark the outline where the boy first dropped beware the holy trinity the church and state and law for every dead the virus gets more deadly than before 4x homophobia the worst disease you can’t love who you want to love in times like these |
07.07.2002, 02:32 | #1431 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
House of the Rising Sun There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun, it's been the ruin of many poor girl and me, o Lord, I'm one. If I had listened to what my mother said, I´d have been at home today. But I was young and foolish, o God, let a rambler lead me astray. Go tell my baby sister, never do like I have done, but shun that house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun. I'm goin´ back to New Orleans, my race is almost run, I'm goin´ back to spend my life beneath the Rising Sun. |
07.07.2002, 02:32 | #1432 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Die Ärzte ich bin reich mein Swimmingpool reicht von Casablanca bis nach Istanbul das ist ein Mordsmodul und mein Schloß besteht aus purem Gold und ist gigantisch groß da ist schwer was los von morgens sechs bis nachts um vier stehen die Mädels vor meiner Tür ich bin reich, ich bin reich, so furchtbar reich, ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin reich, so furchtbar reich, ich bin reich, ganz nebenbei bin ich sozusagen ziemlich arbeitsscheu, ich habe trotzdem Geld wir Heu denn meine Dienerschaft ernährt sich nur von Weißbrot mit Orangensaft, das find‘ ich fabelhaft ich habe so verdammt viel Geld ich kauf‘ mir bald den Rest der Welt ich bin reich, ich bin reich, so furchtbar reich, ich bin reich, so furchtbar reich, juhuh, ich bin reich, jabajabadu, ich bin reich, so furchtbar reich, juhuh, ich bin reich, wenn ich mich mal langweil‘ und nicht weiß wohin zähle ich mein Geld und freue mich wie reich ich bin währ‘ ich plötzlich arm wie eine Kirchenmaus das wäre halb so wild denn ich seh‘ phantastisch aus ich bin schön, ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin schön, ich bin schön, ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin schön, ich bin reich, ich bin schön, so wunderschön, ich bin reich, ich bin wunderschön, ich bin reich, so furchtbar reich, ich bin schön, so schrecklich schön, ich bin superreich, ich bin wunderwunderwunderwunderschön, ich bin klug, so klug, so furchtbar klug, oh, oh, oh bin ich klug, ich bin fast so klug wie ich schön bin, und ich bin groß und blond und blauäugig, na ja ein bisschen blauäugig, so dunkelblau, und ich bin stark, bärenstark, so bärenstark, und groß, so furchtbar groß, und reich, und schön, ach schön - ich bin Adonis, und ich bin spacig, eueueu, wild, ganz ganz wild, ich bin heiß, ich bin ziemlich erregen, so erregen, und ich habe eine kleine Gemeinsamkeit mit ‘nem ???, so furchtbar lang, na ja, ich bin Professor, ich bin ???, so widerlich, ich bin Dracula, und Casanova, ich bin Superman, und Batman, und Spinne, und Hulk, aber schöner, und grüner sowieso, ich bin grün, und rot, ich bin Freischwimmer, ich bin Präsident, als Präsident, ich bin König, ich bin Kaiser, ich bin Gott, ja Gott hahaha, juhe juha, und überhaupt Jesus, ha, und Maria |
07.07.2002, 02:32 | #1433 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
MEAT LOAF - I’d do anything for love (but I won’t do that) and I would do anything for love I’d run right to hell and back I would do anything for love I never lie to you and that’s a fact but I’ll never forget the way you feel right now - oh no - no way I would do anything for love but I won’t do that I won’t do that anything for love I would do anything for love I would do anything for love but I won’t do that I won’t do that some days it don’t come easy some days it don’t come hard some days it don’t at all and these are the days that never end some nights your breathing fire some nights your carved in ice some nights your like nothing I never seen before or will again maybe I’m crazy but it’s crazy and it’s true I know you can save me no one can save me know but you as long as the planets are turning as long as the stars are burning as long as your dreams are coming true - you better believe it - that I would do anything for love and I’ll be there until the final act I would do anything for love! and I’ll take a vow and seal a pact but I never forgive myself if we don’t go all the way tonight I would do anything for love I would do anything for love I would do anything for love but I won’t do that I won’t do that I would do anything for love anything you’ve been dreaming of but I just won’t do that (repeat) some days I pray for silence some days I pray for soul some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock’n’roll some nights I lose the feeling some nights I lose control some nights I just lose it all when I watch you dance and the thunder rolls maybe I’m lonely and that’s all I’m qualified to be there’s just one and only the one and only promise I can keep as long as the wheels are turning as long as the fires are burning as long as your prays are coming true you better believe it! that I would do anything for love! and you know it’s true and that’s a fact I would do anything for love! And there’ll never be no turning back but I’ll never do it better than I do it with you So long So long I would do anything for love I would do anything for love I would do anything for love but I won’t do that I won’t do that! I would do anything for love Anything you’ve been dreaming of but I just won’t do that (repeat) but I’ll never stop dreaming of you every night of my life no way I would do anything for love I would do anything for love I would do anything for love but I won’t do that I won’t do that! Will you raise me up? Will you help me down? Will you get me out of this godforsaken town? Will you make it all a little less cold? I can do that! I can do that! Will you hold me sacred? Will you hold me tight? Can I colorize my life I’m so sick of black and white? Can you make it all a little less cold? I can do that! I can do that! Will you make me some magic with your own two hands? Can you build an emerald city with this grains of sand? Can you give me something I can take home? I can do that! I can do that! Will you cater to every fantasy I got? Will ya hose me down with holy water - if I get too hot - ? Will you take me to places I never known? I can do that! I can do that! After a while you’ll forget everything. It was a brief interlude and a midsummer nights fling and you’ll see that it’s time to move on.. I won’t do that! I won’t do that! I know the territory - I’ve been around. It’ll all turn to dust and we’ll all fall down. And sooner or later you’ll be screwing around. I won’t do that! I won’t do that! anything for love I would do anything for love I would do anything for love but I won’t do that I won’t do that! |
07.07.2002, 02:33 | #1434 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Africa Unite Africa, Unite 'Cause we're moving right out of Babylon And we're going to our father's land How good and how pleasant it would be Before GOD and man, yeah To see the unification of all Africans, yeah As it's been said already let it be done, yeah We are the children of the Rastaman We are the children of the Higher Man Africa, unite 'cause the children wanna come home Africa, unite 'cause we're moving right out of Babylon And we're grooving to our father's land How good and how pleasant it would be Before GOD and man To see the unification of all Rastaman, yeah As it's been said already let it be done I tell you who we are under the sun We are the children of the Rastaman We are the children of the Higher Man So, Africa, unite, Africa, unite Unite for the benefit of your people Unite for it's later than you think Unite for the benefit of your children Unite for it's later than you think Africa awaits its creators, Africa awaiting its creators Africa, you're my forefather cornerstone Unite for the Africans abroad, unite for the Africans a yard Africa, Unite |
07.07.2002, 02:34 | #1435 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
All In One This is all in one And one in all So swing it Let's have a ball Bend down low Let me tell you what I know now Bend down low Let me tell you what I know [what I know, what I know] Long time we no have no nice time Do you-do-you-do-ya think about that Long, long, long, long time we no have no nice time Do you-do-you-do-ya think about that [ooo] One love, one heart Let's get together and feel alright One love [hear my plea] one heart Give thanks and praise to the lord And I'll feel alright Simmer down You licken too hot so Simmer down Soon you'll get dropped so Simmer down Man you hear what I say After he, brakes your heart Then you'll be sad, so sad And then your teardrops start [I say you'll] Then you'll know how It hurts to be alone Oh, what a feeling [what a feeling] to be blue Oh what a feeling, oh what a feeling [oh what a feeling to be blue] |
07.07.2002, 02:34 | #1436 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Babylon System We refuse to be What you wanted us to be We are what we are That's the way it's going to be, if you don't know You can't educate I For no equal opportunity Talking about my freedom People freedom and liberty Yeah, we've been trodding on The winepress much too long Rebel, Rebel We've been trodding on the Winepress much too long, Rebel Babylon System is the Vampire Sucking the children day by day Me say the Babylon System is the Vampire Sucking the blood of the sufferers Building church and university Deceiving the people continually Me say them graduating thieves and murderers Look out now Sucking the blood of the sufferers Tell the children the truth Tell the children the truth Tell the children the truth right now Come on and tell the children the truth (repeat) 'Cause we've been trodding on The winepress much too long Got to Rebel, Got to Rebel Now We've been taken for granted Much too long, Rebel (repeat) From the very day we left the shores Of our father's land We've been trampled on, oh now Now we know everything we got to rebel Somebody got to pay for the work We've done, Rebel |
07.07.2002, 02:34 | #1437 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Bad Card You a go tired fe see me face Can't get me out of the race Oh man you said I'm in your place And then you draw bad card A make you draw bad card And then you draw bad card Propaganda spreading over my name Say you want to bring another life to shame Oh man you just playing a game And then you draw bad card, draw bad card A make you draw bad card, draw bad card A make you draw bad card I want to disturb my neighbour Cause I'm feeling so right I want to turn up my disco Blow them to full watts tonight In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style Cause we guarding the palace so majestic Guarding the palace so realistic Them a go tired fe see we face, oh yeah Me say them can't get we out of the race Oh man it's just a big disgrace The way you draw bad card, draw bad card The way you make wrong moves, make wrong moves The way you draw bad card, draw bad card A make you draw bad card, draw bad card A make you draw bad card In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style |
07.07.2002, 02:34 | #1438 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Blackman Redemption Whoa-a Natty congo A dreadlock congo I Whoa-a Natty congo A blackman redemption Woe-yo yee, ye, a blackman redemption woe yoe, No need, no need to get jumpy No need, and a no need to get bumpy And a no need, and a no need to get bumpy No need, need, need to get jumpy Youth and youth agree to, cool runnings Can you dig it, cool runnings yeah, one more time A beg ya, cool runnings, can you stop it Cool runnings, spread out, spread out, spread out Spread out, look out Tell you about the blackman redemption Can you dig it, oh yeah A blackman redemption, can you stop it Oh! no, oh! no, oh! no Coming from the root of King David Through the line of Solomon His Imperial Majesty is the Power of Authority Spread out, spread out, spread out, spread out Spread out, spread out No need, no need, no need to get jumpy And a no need, and a no need to walk away Let me tell bout ya Cool runnings, can you dig it, cool runnings It's one more time we want it Cool runnings, cool runnings, spread out Spread out, spread out, spread out, spread out It's just a blackman redemption Can you dig it, woe-yoe Blackman redemption, can you stop it, oh! no oh! no |
07.07.2002, 02:34 | #1439 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Brain Washing Wooo-ohhhh Old Mr. Joe he build a house, yeah On top of some hill Old Mr. Joe knew he had to go, so He got right down and wrote a will He say now here is to mother hen, and her chicken, lord have mercy now Master will you take a roll in the mud, like he know he should The old barnyard, the old barnyard, birds and the chick, oooh-ee Who's got to watch out for brother mangoose, with his top hap and walking stick It's just the poor's brainwashing They told me a long time gone, it's just the poor's brain washing, ooh-ee [the old brain washing] Now look at a thing like this Cinderella and her long lost fellow, in the midnight hour, she lost her silver slipper Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, while Jack and Jill had themselves a fall It's just the poor [brain washing] And I don't need it no longer It's just the poor's brain washing Coming through to a poor man's child, ooh-ee, look at this Little Miss Muffet she sat on her tuffet While Little Red Ridinghood delivered her Grandma's food Ooh-ee ooh-ee, ooh-ee Look at one more thing like this The cow jumping over the moon, while the dish got jealous, he grabbed the hand of the spoon It's just the poor brain washing, and I don't need it no longer I don't want it no longer I don't need it no longer And I don't care for no more brain washing It isn't good for my soul... |
07.07.2002, 02:35 | #1440 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Buffalo Soldier Buffalo soldier, dreadlock rasta There was a buffalo soldier In the heart of America Stolen from Africa, brought to America Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival I mean it, when I analyse the stench To me, it makes a lot of sense How the dreadlock rasta was a buffalo soldier And he was taken from Africa, brought to America Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival Said he was a buffalo soldier, dreadlock rasta Buffalo soldier, in the heart of America If you know your history Then you would know where you coming from Then you wouldn't have to ask me Who the heck do, I think I am I'm just a buffalo soldier In the heart of America Stolen from Africa, brought to America Said he was fighting on arrival Fighting for survival Said he was a buffalo soldier Win the war for America Dreadie, woe yoe yoe, woe woe yoe yoe Woe yoe yoe yo, yo yo woe yo, woe yoe yoe (repaet) Buffalo soldier, trodding through the land Said he wanna ran, then you wanna hand Trodding through the land, yea, yea Said he was a buffalo soldier Win the war for America Buffalo soldier, dreadlock rasta Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival Driven from the mainland To the heart of the caribbean Singing, woe yoe yoe, woe woe yoe yoe Woe yoe yoe yo, yo yo woe yo woe yo yoe (repeat) Trodding through San Juan In the arms of America Trodding through Jamaica, a buffalo soldier Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival Buffalo soldier, dreadlock rasta Singing, woe yoe yoe, woe woe yoe yoe Woe yoe yeo yo, yo yo woe yo woe yo yoe |
07.07.2002, 02:35 | #1441 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Burnin' and Lootin' This morning I wokeup in a curfew Oh god, I was a prisonir too, yeah Could not recognize the faces standing over me They were all dressed in uniforms of brutality, eahy! How many rivers do we have to cross Before we can talk to the boss All of we've got it's seems we have lost We must subreally pay the cost Dat's why we gonna be Burnin' and lootin' tonight (chorus) I say, we gonna burn and a loot Burnin' and lootin' tonight (chorus) One more thing Burning and pollution tonight (chorus) Oh, yeah, yeah Burning all illution tonight (chorus) Oh, stop them Give me the food and let me grow Let the rootman take a blow, yeah All dem drugs gonna make you slow, now It's not the music of the ghetto Weeping and a wailing tonight (chorus) Uh, can't stop the tears Weeping and a wailing tonight (chorus) We've been so freak this long, long years Weeping and a wailing to night (chorus) Will you say cheer Weeping and a wailing to night (chorus) But where? Give me the food and let me grow Let the rootman take a blow, eahy! I say, all, all dem drugs gonna make you slow It's not the music of the ghetto We gonna be Burnin' and lootin' to night (chorus) To survive, yeah Burnin' and lootin' to night (chorus) Safe your baby life Burning and pollution to night (chorus) Pollution, get out there Burning all illution to night (chorus) Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord Burnin' and lootin' tonight (chorus) Burnin' and lootin' tonight (chorus) Burning and pollution tonight (chorus) |
07.07.2002, 02:35 | #1442 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Chances Are Chances are we're gonna leave now Sorry for the victim now Though my days are filled with sorrow I see years of bright tommorrow Chances, chances are some might not hold out Chances are, hang on right now Though-oh-oh-oh my-my days are filled with sorrow I see years of bright tommorrow Chances, chances are some might not hold out Chances are, hang on right now Chances are, oh chances, you're my chances Chances are, hang on right now Chances are, hang on right now Deal with loneliness, I'll take some tear drops Chances are we'll have to win Chances are, hang on right now Chances are, chances are... |
07.07.2002, 02:35 | #1443 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Chant Down Babylon Come we go burn down Babylon one more time Come we go chant down Babylon one more time For them soft, yes them soft Them soft, yes them soft So come we go chant down Babylon one more time Men see their dreams and aspirations Crumble in front of their face And all their wicked intentions to destroy the Human race And how I know, and that's how I know A reggae music, mek we chant down Babylon With music, mek we chant down Babylon This music, mek we chant down Babylon This music, come we chant down Babylon Come we go chant down Babylon one more time Come we go chant down Babylon one more time For them soft, yes them soft Them soft, mi say them soft So come we go chant down Babylon one more time Music you're, music you're the key Talk to who, please talk to me Bring the voice of the rastaman Communicating to everyone How I, how I know, how I, how I know And that's how I know A reggae music, chant down, chant down Babylon Chant down Babylon Reggae music, chant down Babylon Reggae music, chant down Babylon Reggae music, chant down Babylon Reggae music |
07.07.2002, 02:35 | #1444 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Cheer Up Cheer up my brothers, cheer up my sisters Cheer up my momma too, lord Cheer up my father, let me say I know it won't be long That change has got to come That change has got to come And I know that it won't be long We've been down in captivity [captivity] so long, so long If we unite then we will be free [we will be free] so strong, so strong, come I want you to Cheer up my [brothers] my sisters [cheer up my sisters] let me say Cheer up my my my momma too, lord Cheer up my father Let me say, we've been down in captivity [captivity] so long, so long We unite we will be free [we will be free] so strong, so strong Cheer up my my my my my my brother [cheer up my sister] cheer up my sisters [cheer up my momma] my momma too lord [cheer up my] my father And I, I, I |
07.07.2002, 02:36 | #1445 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Coming in from the Cold In this life, in this life, in this life In this oh sweet life We're coming in from the cold We're coming in, coming in, coming in Coming in from the cold It's you, it's you, it's you I'm talking to Well you, it's you, it's you It's you I'm talking to now Why do you look so sad and foresaken When one door is closed Don't you know another is open Would you let the system Make you kill your brotherman No, dread, no Would you make the system Make you kill your brotherman No, dread, no Would you make the system Get on top of your head again No, dread, no Well the biggest man you ever did see was just a baby In this life, in this life In this oh sweet life We're coming in from the cold We're coming in, coming in, coming in We're coming in from the cold It's life, it's life, it's life Coming in from the cold We're coming in, coming in, coming in Coming in from the cold It's you, it's you, it's you I'm talking to Well you, it's you, it's you It's you I'm talking to now Why do you look so sad and foresaken Don't you know When one door is closed Don't you know many more is open Would you let the system No, dread, no Would you let the system Get on top of your head No, dread, no Would you let the system Make you kill your brotherman No, dread, no The biggest man you ever did see was once a baby In this life, in this life, in this life In this oh sweet life We're coming in from the cold We're coming in, coming in, coming in Coming in from the cold We're coming in, coming in, coming in |
07.07.2002, 02:36 | #1446 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Concrete Jungle No sun will shine in my day today (No sun will shine.) The high yellow moon won't come out to play (Won't come out to play.) Darkness has covered my light (and has changed,) And has changed my day into night Now where is this love to be found, won't someone tell me? 'Cause life, sweet life, must be somewhere to be found, yeah Instead of a concrete jungle where the livin' is hardest Concrete jungle, oh man, you've got to do your best, yeah. No chains around my feet, but I'm not free I know I am bound here in captivity And I've never known happiness, and I've never known sweet caresses Still, I be always laughing like a clown Won't someone help me? Cause, sweet life, I've, I've got to pick myself from off the ground, yeah In this here concrete jungle, I say, what do you got for me now? Concrete jungle, oh, why won't you let me be now? I said life must be somewhere to be found, yeah Instead of a concrete jungle, illusion, confusion Concreate jungle, yeah Concrete jungle, you name it, we got it, concrete jungle now Concrete jungle, what do you got for me now? |
07.07.2002, 02:37 | #1447 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Could You Be Loved Could you be loved and be loved Could you be loved and be loved Don't let them fool you Or even try to school you, oh! no We've got a mind of our own So go to hell if what you're thinking isn't right Love would never leave us alone In the darkness there must come out to light Could you be loved and be loved Could you be loved and be loved The road of life is rocky And you may stumble too So while you point your fingers Someone else is judging you Love your brotherman Could you be, could you be, could you be loved Could you be, could you be loved Don't let them change you Or even rearrange you, oh! no We've got a life to live They say only, only Only the fittest of the fittest shall survive Stay alive Could you be loved and be loved Could you be loved and be loved You ain't gonna miss your water Until your well runs dry No matter how you treat him The man will never be satisfied Could you be, could you be, could you be loved Could you be, could you be loved Could you be, could you be loved Say something, say something, say something Say something Reggae, reggae Say something Rockers, rockers Say something could you be loved |
07.07.2002, 02:37 | #1448 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Craven Choke Puppy Craven a go choke puppy Craven a go choke puppy not Craven a go choke puppy Whoa (wow wow wow wow) So you want all for yourself alone (wow wow wow wow) And you don't think about the other man (wow wow wow wow) Let me tell you my friend if you gonna live this life (wow wow wow wow) It's not good for you to build strife Craven a go choke puppy Can you dig it (wow wow wow wow) Want all lose all (wow wow wow wow) Then I know the wicked must fall (wow wow wow wow) I say want it, want it can't get it (wow wow wow wow) oh no, And get it, get it, no want it (wow wow wow wow) Oh that's why i say Craven a go choke puppy Craven a go choke puppy now Craven a go choke puppy Whoa, can you dig it (wow wow wow wow) Oh yeah (wow wow wow wow) The craven dog will lose his bone (wow wow wow wow) The craven dog (wow wow wow wow) The craven dog will lose his bone (whoo) Grafting after something else (whoo) They'll take it for themselves alone (whoo) They don't think about the other man (whoo) The old time people say, want it, want it can't get it yeah |
07.07.2002, 02:37 | #1449 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Crazy Baldhead Them crazy, them crazy We gonna chase those crazy Baldheads out of town Chase those crazy baldheads Out of town I and I build the cabin I and I plant the corn Didn't my people before me Slave for this country Now you look me with a scorn Then you eat up all my corn We gonna chase those crazy baldheads Chase them crazy Chase those crazy baldheads out of town Build your penitentiary, we build your schools Brainwash education to make us the fools Hate is your reward for our love Telling us of your God above We gonna chase those crazy Chase those crazy bunkheads Chase those crazy baldheads out of town Here comes the conman Coming with his con plan We won't take no bribe, we got to stay alive We gonna chase those crazy Chase those crazy baldheads Chase those crazy baldheads out of town |
07.07.2002, 02:38 | #1450 | ||||||||||||
GlutaeusMaximus Beiträge: 4.745 |
OT: Songtexte -
Crisis They say the sun, shines for all But in some people world, it never shine at all They say love is a stream, that will find its course Some people life is a dream So they making matters worse But no matter what the crisis is (repeat) Doing it, doing it, doing your thing Give JAH all the thanks and praises Giving it, giving it, giving it Give JAH all the thanks and praises So much have been said, so little been done They still killing, killing the people And they having, having, having lots of fun Killing the people, having their fun They just want to be the leader In the house of the rising sun But no matter what the crisis is (repeat) Do your, live it up, live it up, live it up Give JAH all the thanks and praises Live it up, live it up, live it up, live it up Give JAH all the thanks and praises They say the sun, shines for all But in some people's world, it never shines at all They say love is a stream, that will find its course, And every river runs to sea Some people still think life is a dream So they making matters worse No matter what the crisis is (repeat) Do it, live it up, live it up, live it up Give JAH all the thanks and praises Live it up, live it up, live it up, live it up Give JAH all the thanks and praises (repeat) His mercies endureth for ever yeah Give JAH all the thanks and praises (repeat) Oh children, come and give JAH Give JAH all the thanks and praises (repeat) |