World of Gothic Archiv > Gothic Diskussion
English spoken forum!?
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11.05.2001, 22:04 #1
Beiträge: 19

First, I want to congratulate you all with this splendid site and its forum!! Are there any plans to set up an English spoken forum as well? Cause I expect a lot of questions, reactions, comments, ...etc. after the International release of this superb game "Gothic" is! The demo is almost a game on its own; I'm playing it for weeks now and the cheats make it very replayable! I've inserted all that console-stuff to learn about the monsters, weapons, magie and spells, outfits,...etc. I think it will be the best game I've ever played, and I'm a gamer for 10 years now!! I hope "Piranha Bytes Software GmbH" will find at E3 an American and European publisher very fast!!


11.05.2001, 22:41 #2
The Eldar
Beiträge: 705

I don't know whether the people of plan to set up an English spoken forum. But it rather seems to me as if there won't be one. Maybe one of the forum's moderators can give a statement about this.
I think that if you post something about Gothic there'll be always at least one or two people here who will try to help you.
11.05.2001, 23:52 #3
Beiträge: 1.133

I think World of Gothic won't be translated in english the next time. It is because of my and Butcher's english isn't good enough too translate all the stuff and it would cost very much time to translate the page. :(
'Waldgeist' the Webmaster of the other Gothic Fanpage gothic.gomp mentioned that he'll translate his new website into english.

But I think when Gothic is released in America and the rest of the World, there will be also some english Fansites about Gothic.

On Forums:
Unfortunaly this forum is in german and we can't change this. But when there are many english speaking people who want to have a english spoken forum, we'll create a seperate english spoken forum unfortunaly with german buttons and text. :( Up to this feel free to post into this forum. As The Eldar mentioned there will be at least one or two people here who will answer your questions.

I'll think about the hole thing. Perhaps I'll find a good solution. When you have any suggestions please tell me. :)

Wenn jemand von euch Lust hat uns zu helfen die Seite ins Englische zu übersetzten und ein englishes Forum aufzubauen soll er mir mailen. Mailaddi steht überall auf der Seite. ;)
14.05.2001, 19:26 #4
The Eldar
Beiträge: 705

@Deathweaver: Ok, dann sag ich es hier noch mal oeffentlich (da du ja momentan keine Zeit hast, auf die Mail zu antworten...): Ich waere interessiert!
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