World of Gothic Archiv > Editing
Fehler im story Ordner
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07.10.2001, 13:41 #1
Beiträge: 988
Fehler im story Ordner
Also ich hatte mal ne problem.
Wenn ich das spiel reparze dann tauchen immer wieder irgendwelche probleme im Story ordner auf. ich kann garnicht mehr reparsen.

Ich wollte noch was fragen weiß einer wie man mit dem Spacer irgendwelche Monster im Gothic-Welt einfügen kann.
07.10.2001, 15:02 #2
Beiträge: 6.225

Im Story-Ordner?
Lass mal den Z-spy mitlaufen, (einfach starten, und im hintergrund mitlaufen lassen).
Dann startest du Gothic per Spacer.
Wenn er abbricht, dann kannst du im Spacer (anhand der roten Schrift) erkennen in welchem Skript der Fehler liegt.
Dort solltest du dann noch mal nachgucken.

Monster sind ebenfalls NPCs, im Spacer kann man nur direkt Objekte einfügen (dynamisch und statisch).
Monster werden, genau wie Menschen, über die Skripte eingefügt.
Im Spacer kannst du nur die Freepoints (Ortsdefinition) und Waypoints (Wegdefinition) definieren.
Per Script kannst du dann also das Monster an dem enstprechendem Freepoint erscheinen lassen.
Dafür setzt du entweder einen neuen, oder benutzt einen vorhandenen.
Den Namen des Points kannst du beim Draufklicken ablesen.
07.10.2001, 19:28 #3
Beiträge: 988

Das stand im Zspy, also ich blicke da nicht mehr durch.

[i] 00:00 ++++++++++++++ Start by ++++++++++++++
[i] 00:00 Info: 3 B: V Initialize zBinkPlayer .... <zbinkplayer.cpp,#29>
[i] 00:00 Info: 3 B: GMAN: Initialize GameManager .... <oGameManager.cpp,#492>
[i] 00:00 Info: 2 B: zOPT: Initialize configurations .... <Zoption.cpp,#745>
[i] 00:00 Info: 3 B: zOPT: Found file paths.d .... <Zoption.cpp,#771>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Initialising Parser .... <Zoption.cpp,#775>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Parsing paths.d ... .... <Zoption.cpp,#778>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 U: PAR: paths.d : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:00 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Analysing paths.d ... .... <Zoption.cpp,#781>
[w] 00:00 Warn: 0 B: GOTHIC: Abnormal exit of gothic detected. .... <Zzbert.cpp,#91>
[i] 00:00 Info: 2 B: zDSK: InitFileSystem .... <Zdisk.cpp,#1627>
[i] 00:00 Info: 1 B: VFILE: Initializing filesystem (VDFS) ... .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#533>
[i] 00:00 Info: 2 B: VFILE: Loading VDFs ... .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#543>
[i] 00:22 Info: 2 B: VFILE: VDFS successfully initialized: 2 drives, 1 found. .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#551>
[i] 00:22 Info: 3 D: RESMAN: Classes registered: zCSoundFX zCTexture .... <zResource.cpp,#362>
[i] 00:22 ---------------
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** ZenGin v1.00 - developed 1997-2001 Mad Scientists .... <zEngine.cpp,#134>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** Mad Scientists: Hildebrandt, Wohlers, Speckels .... <zEngine.cpp,#135>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** compiled: Jul 27 2001, release-build .... <zEngine.cpp,#142>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** zEngine-Init ... .... <zEngine.cpp,#143>
[i] 00:22 Info: 5 D: RENDERER: no renderer specified, trying D3D (dev0) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:22 Info: 2 X: RND_D3D: Initializing Direct3D ... .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#144>
[i] 00:22 Info: 5 X: [RND3D-Constructor]: D3DXInitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#147>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: Store Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetDevice: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: Setting New Mode... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#577>
[i] 00:25 Info: 4 X: RND_D3D: SetMode .. .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#500>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: Store Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: 640 x 480 x 16(device:0 mode:0) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: D3DXInitialize done .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Found Primary Display Driver Microsoft Direct3D Hardware Transform and Lighting acceleration capable device .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Switching to Primary Display Driver Microsoft Direct3D Hardware Transform and Lighting acceleration capable device .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Hardware TnL supported. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_TestCapabilities: All textures must have widths and heights specified as powers of 2 ! .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 X: XD3D_TestCapabilities: Device has passed capability tests. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: szDriver=NVDD32.DLL .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce2 MX .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wProduct=4 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wVersion=12 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wSubVersion=1 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wBuild=532 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwVendorId=4318 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwDeviceId=272 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwSubSysId=1075384387 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwRevision=161 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT1 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT2 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT3 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT4 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT5 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Maximal texture width -> 2048 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Maximal texture height -> 2048 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Alpha testing supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Color-Buffer depth:16 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: W-Buffer depth:16 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - windowed mode possible .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - gamma correction enabled .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#779>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - total videomem:31680512 .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#798>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - free videomem:30193664 .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#799>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - w-based fog supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Start to rebuild vertexbuffers ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Vertexbuffers rebuild done. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: Start to rebuild saved textures (lightmaps) ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: Number of rebuild textures:0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 3 D: TEX: texMaxSize: 2048, texScaleSize: 4, texScaleBP -1 .... <zTexture.cpp,#554>
[i] 00:28 Info: 4 X: RND_D3D: SetMode .. .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#500>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#508>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: FNT: Loading Font: font_default.tga .... <zFonts.cpp,#196>
[i] 00:28 Info: 4 B: FONT: Loading Font-Data: _WORKDATATEXTURES_COMPILEDFONT_DEFAULT.FNT .... <zFonts.cpp,#361>
[i] 00:28 Info: 3 C: MUS: Loading file 'systemmusic.src or .dat' .... <zMusic_DM.cpp,#369>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading MUSIC.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 285 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 2872 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 C: *** Miles Sound System implementation v 0.1 .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#483>
[i] 00:29 Info: 3 C: SND: Loading file 'systemsfx.src or .dat' .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#506>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading SFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 2465 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 32771 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: *** mss.dll version 6.0k .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#628>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: success :Device: DirectSound - MSS Mixer .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#679>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found 3d sound provider: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#2159>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: used 3d sound provider: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#2178>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Autopan Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Capture Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Chorus Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Compressor Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Flange Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: HighPass Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Lagrangian Interpolator .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: LowPass Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Mono Delay Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Parametric EQ Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb1 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb2 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb3 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: Stereo Delay Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 C: found filter: ShelvingEQ Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:30 Info: 4 C: opening reverb3 filter processor .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#706>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: zCSoundManager: script sounds registered: 80 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: GROUNDSHADOW.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: Loading lensflare-script 'lensflare.zen' (7 fx). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (1 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (15 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: PFX: Loading pfx-script ... .... <zParticle.cpp,#247>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: PFX: Loading file 'systemparticlefx.src or .dat' .... <zParticle.cpp,#251>
[i] 00:30 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading PARTICLEFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 4586 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 95004 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: DEMON_DIE.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: COLDUMMY.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: healbody.3ds .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: ITMI_RING_01.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: HEALBODY.3DS .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: TELEPORT_AURA.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: NC_OREHEAP_PFX.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: Healbody.3DS .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 D: PFX: Num ParticleFX: 280 .... <zParticle.cpp,#297>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 D: INPUT: Initializing DirectInput .. .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#375>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 D: INPUT: keyboard initialized .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#386>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: INPUT: mouse NOT initialized. .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#394>
[i] 00:31 Info: 0 D: *** zEngine-Init ... Done ! .... <zEngine.cpp,#156>
[i] 00:31 ---------------
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 C: *** Visual FX Implementation v0.5 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 C: VFX: Loading file 'systemvisualfx.src or .dat' .... <oVisFX.cpp,#751>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading VISUALFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 1170 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 14713 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 B: SG: Initializing savegame-manager ... .... <osavegame.cpp,#247>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 0 found: "- - -" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 1 found: "- - -1" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 2 found: "- - -2" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 3 found: "- - -3" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: BS: Savegame 4 found: "- - -4" .... <osavegame.cpp,#278>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 C: VFX: Loading file 'systemvisualfx.src or .dat' .... <oVisFX.cpp,#751>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading VISUALFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 1170 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 14713 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 B: SPC: Loading binary output-library 'OU.BIN' ... .... <zCCSManager.cpp,#384>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 B: CSLib: loading library ... .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#33>
[i] 00:32 Info: 3 B: CSLib: Number of items: 7360 (UnArc) .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#39>
[i] 00:41 Info: 3 B: CSLib: Sorting library ... .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#57>
[i] 00:41 Info: 3 B: CSLib: finished loading library .... <zCCSLib.cpp,#64>
[i] 00:41 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: MAGICFRONTIER_OUT.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:42 Info: 3 B: GAME: Loading file 'contentgothic.src or .dat' .... <oGame.cpp,#714>
[i] 00:42 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading GOTHIC.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 36070 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 1110692 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 3 B: NPC: Loading file 'contentfight.src or .dat' .... <oNpc_Fight.cpp,#134>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading FIGHT.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 369 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 7042 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 3 U: AI: Reading Script-fight-ai finished .... <oNpc_Fight.cpp,#152>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: NPC: Found player-perception AssessMagic. .... <oNPC.cpp,#14567>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: GUILDSuild-attitude-table changed : GIL_ATTITUDES .... <oGuilds.cpp,#132>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: INF: 1533 Infos found. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:48 Info: 5 U: TRADE: 2 ItemReactModules found. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 C: MENU: Initializing menusystem .... <Zmenu.cpp,#102>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 C: MENU: Loading file 'systemmenu.src or .dat' .... <Zmenu.cpp,#106>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading MENU.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking skipped. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 1095 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 30339 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 C: Creating Sound Instance MENU_BROWSE (alternative: 0) .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#1202>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 C: Creating Sound Instance MENU_SELECT (alternative: 0) .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#1202>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 C: Creating Sound Instance MENU_ESC (alternative: 0) .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#1202>
[w] 00:49 Warn: 0 B: ERR: BLOCK-END in D:devgothiccurrent_workZenGin_DieterzEngine.cpp missed: at BLOCK-END in D:devgothiccurrent_workGothic_BertoGameManager.cpp line 584 .... <zError.cpp,#423>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 B: SPC: Loading file 'systemsfx.src or .dat' .... <pc_ParseTools.cpp,#96>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 U: PAR: Loading SFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#548>
[i] 00:49 Info: 4 B: SPCCFG: Defined Matfilter "[TRASH]" with id 0 .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#430>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#548>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winToolbarObjects .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winToolbarAction .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winObjectBar .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 4 B: SPC: Loading ObjectPresets ... .... <spcCObjPreset.cpp,#76>
[i] 00:49 Info: 4 B: SPC: Read ObjectPresets "ZCCSCAMERA.OPF" .... <spcCObjPreset.cpp,#106>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (154 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winMain .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winInformation .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:49 Info: 3 B: SPC: Loading Help-Files .... <spcCHelpDlg.cpp,#156>
[i] 00:49 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winObjectOperations .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winCutsceneSequencer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Read window-informations: winVobContainer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#360>
[i] 00:50 Info: 3 B: SPC: InitInstance finished .... <pacer.cpp,#332>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winToolbarObjects .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Found window-informations in list: winToolbarAction .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#355>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPC: Saving settings .. .... <ainfrm.cpp,#1091>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPCCFG: Saving configurations ... .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#156>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winToolbarObjects .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winToolbarAction .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winObjectBar .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winMain .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winInformation .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winObjectList .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winObjectOperations .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winCutsceneSequencer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 B: SPCCFG: Saving window-positions of winVobContainer .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#163>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPCCFG: Saving configurations ... .... <spcCConfiguration.cpp,#169>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPC: Saving presets .. .... <spcCObjPreset.cpp,#133>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (10 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:19 Info: 4 B: SPC: Mainframe-Reset .... <ainfrm.cpp,#1264>
[i] 01:19 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (10 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:21 Info: 3 B: SPC: ExitInstance ... .... <pacer.cpp,#414>
[i] 01:21 Info: 4 B: SPC: Deinit ... .... <pacer.cpp,#416>
[i] 01:21 Info: 3 B: GOTHIC: Exiting game ... .... <oGameManager.cpp,#615>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: Shutdown D3D subsystem (Destructor) .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#237>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: XD3D_ClearDevice: Releasing old mode ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:21 Info: 5 X: [RND3D-Destructor]: D3DXUninitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#246>
[i] 01:21 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCSavegameInfo: 22 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[f] 01:21 Fault: 0 D: OBJ: Memory leaks found! .... <zObject.cpp,#700>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCWorld: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCObjectFactory: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCMsgConversation: 7360 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCCSPlayer: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: oCCSManager: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: zCCSLib: 1 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: zCCSBlock: 7361 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 Info: 0 D: OBJ: zCCSAtomicBlock: 7360 .... <zObject.cpp,#692>
[i] 01:22 ---------------
07.10.2001, 19:30 #4
Beiträge: 988

Huch es ist ein wenig lang geworden;)
07.10.2001, 19:58 #5
Beiträge: 6.225

Ja toll, das bringt uns aber jetzt nicht weiter, da die rot eingefärbten Zeilen im Spy relevant sind!
07.10.2001, 22:05 #6
Beiträge: 988

so Malek dies sind rot gefärbt:

[F] 09:38 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYCHAPTERSB_STORY_FMTAKEN.D: Unknown identifier : INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:50 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : MILTEN_HASLETTER .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:50 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : MILTEN_HASLETTER .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:56 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : MILTEN_HASLETTER .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:57 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_KDF_405_TORREZ.D: Unknown identifier : DIA_MILTEN_COMESBACK .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[F] 09:57 Fatal:-1 U: PAR: CONTENTSTORYMISSIONSDIA_PC_THIEF.D: Unknown identifier : INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN .... <zParser.cpp,#599>
[f] 10:13 Fault: 0 D: OBJ: Memory leaks found! .... <zObject.cpp,#700>
07.10.2001, 22:21 #7
Beiträge: 6.225

Ja, da sind ja schon alle Fehler aufgelistet.

Diese .d File z.B. enthält einen Fehler, der als "Unknown Identifier" deklariert ist.
In dem Fall "INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN" Dieser Parameter ist nur in dem Skript definiert, nirgendwo sonst.
Da hast du irgendwas vergessen oder dich irgendwo vertippt. Mehr kann ich da im Moment auch nicht zu sagen....

Der letzte Fehler ist unwichtig, den kannst du ignorieren (memory leaks)
08.10.2001, 09:59 #8
Beiträge: 1.398
Der Fehler, daß ein Bezeichner nicht gefunden wurde, ( CONTENTSTORYCHAPTERSB_STORY_FMTAKEN.D erwartet einen zuvor deklarierten Bezeichner INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN )
tritt meist auf, wenn man zum Beispiel die Reihenfolge der Skripte vertauscht hat, oder ein Script entfernt wurde.

Das Script, in dem INFO_MILTEN_OCWARN deklariert wird, muß im SRC-Script vor allen Scripten kommen, die es verwenden.

Gruß Nico
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