World of Gothic Archiv > Editing
Fehlermeldung - convert textures
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13.03.2002, 20:35 #1
Beiträge: 988
Fehlermeldung - convert textures
Hi wenn ich Gothic mit convert textures starte dann kommt immer ne Fehlermeldung.
Dabei habe ich zspy mit laufen lassen und das kam dabei raus.

[i] 00:00 ++++++++++++++ Start by ++++++++++++++
[i] 00:01 Info: 3 B: V Initialize zBinkPlayer .... <zbinkplayer.cpp,#29>
[i] 00:01 Info: 3 B: GMAN: Initialize GameManager .... <oGameManager.cpp,#492>
[i] 00:01 Info: 2 B: zOPT: Initialize configurations .... <Zoption.cpp,#745>
[i] 00:01 Info: 3 B: zOPT: Found file paths.d .... <Zoption.cpp,#771>
[i] 00:01 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Initialising Parser .... <Zoption.cpp,#775>
[i] 00:01 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Parsing paths.d ... .... <Zoption.cpp,#778>
[i] 00:01 Info: 5 U: PAR: paths.d : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:01 Info: 5 B: zOPT: Analysing paths.d ... .... <Zoption.cpp,#781>
[w] 00:01 Warn: 0 B: GOTHIC: Start of gothic failed before. .... <Zzbert.cpp,#87>
[w] 00:01 Warn: 0 B: GOTHIC: Abnormal exit of gothic detected. .... <Zzbert.cpp,#91>
[i] 00:01 Info: 2 B: zDSK: InitFileSystem .... <Zdisk.cpp,#1627>
[i] 00:01 Info: 1 B: VFILE: Initializing filesystem (VDFS) ... .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#533>
[i] 00:01 Info: 2 B: VFILE: Loading VDFs ... .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#543>
[i] 00:22 Info: 2 B: VFILE: VDFS successfully initialized: 2 drives, 1 found. .... <Zdisk_vdfs.cpp,#551>
[i] 00:22 Info: 3 D: RESMAN: Classes registered: zCSoundFX zCTexture .... <zResource.cpp,#362>
[i] 00:22 ---------------
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** ZenGin v1.00 - developed 1997-2001 Mad Scientists .... <zEngine.cpp,#134>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** Mad Scientists: Hildebrandt, Wohlers, Speckels .... <zEngine.cpp,#135>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** compiled: Jul 27 2001, release-build .... <zEngine.cpp,#142>
[i] 00:22 Info: 0 D: *** zEngine-Init ... .... <zEngine.cpp,#143>
[i] 00:22 Info: 5 D: RENDERER: no renderer specified, trying D3D (dev0) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:22 Info: 2 X: RND_D3D: Initializing Direct3D ... .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#144>
[i] 00:22 Info: 5 X: [RND3D-Constructor]: D3DXInitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#147>
[i] 00:23 Info: 5 X: Store Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:23 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetDevice: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#355>
[i] 00:23 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetScreenMode: Setting New Mode... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#577>
[i] 00:23 Info: 4 X: RND_D3D: SetMode .. .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#500>
[i] 00:24 Info: 5 X: Store Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:24 Info: 5 X: zCDXTCCache_D3D :: ClearCache: Surfaces to clear - 0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:24 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: 640 x 480 x 16(device:0 mode:0) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:24 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: D3DXInitialize done .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Found NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software Emulation .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Found NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 Microsoft Direct3D Hardware Transform and Lighting acceleration capable device .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Switching to NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 Microsoft Direct3D Hardware Transform and Lighting acceleration capable device .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:25 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPerDX: Hardware TnL supported. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_TestCapabilities: All textures must have widths and heights specified as powers of 2 ! .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_TestCapabilities: Device has passed capability tests. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: szDriver=NVDD32.DLL .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wProduct=4 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wVersion=13 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wSubVersion=1 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: wBuild=2311 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwVendorId=4318 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwDeviceId=272 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwSubSysId=1075384387 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: D3D Device-Info: dwRevision=161 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store RGB Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT1 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT2 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT3 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT4 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Device supports DXT5 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_EnumTextureCallback: Store Paletted Format .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Palette format supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Maximal texture width -> 2048 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Maximal texture height -> 2048 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Alpha testing supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Color-Buffer depth:16 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: W-Buffer depth:16 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - windowed mode possible .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - gamma correction enabled .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#779>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - total videomem:31582208 .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#798>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - free videomem:30097408 .... <zRndD3D_Init.cpp,#799>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: caps - w-based fog supported .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Start to rebuild vertexbuffers ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: XD3D_InitPort: Vertexbuffers rebuild done. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: Start to rebuild saved textures (lightmaps) ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: Number of rebuild textures:0 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 3 D: TEX: texMaxSize: 2048, texScaleSize: 4, texScaleBP -1 .... <zTexture.cpp,#554>
[i] 00:26 Info: 4 X: RND_D3D: SetMode .. .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#500>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 X: Vid_SetMode: No changes ... .... <zRndD3D_Vid.cpp,#508>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: FNT: Loading Font: font_default.tga .... <zFonts.cpp,#196>
[i] 00:26 Info: 4 B: FONT: Loading Font-Data: _WORKDATATEXTURES_COMPILEDFONT_DEFAULT.FNT .... <zFonts.cpp,#361>
[i] 00:26 Info: 3 C: MUS: Loading file 'systemmusic.src or .dat' .... <zMusic_DM.cpp,#369>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEM_INTERNMUSIC.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEMMUSICMUSICINST.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 285 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 2872 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0.004s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:26 Info: 5 U: PAR: Saving MUSIC.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 C: *** Miles Sound System implementation v 0.1 .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#483>
[i] 00:27 Info: 3 C: SND: Loading file 'systemsfx.src or .dat' .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#506>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEM_INTERNSFX.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEMSFXSFXINST.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEMSFXSFXINSTSPEECH.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 2465 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 32771 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0.044s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:27 Info: 5 U: PAR: Saving SFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: *** mss.dll version 6.0k .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#628>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: success :Device: DirectSound - MSS Mixer .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#679>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found 3d sound provider: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#2159>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: used 3d sound provider: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#2178>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Autopan Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Capture Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Chorus Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Compressor Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Flange Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: HighPass Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Lagrangian Interpolator .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: LowPass Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Mono Delay Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Parametric EQ Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb1 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb2 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Reverb3 Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: Stereo Delay Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 C: found filter: ShelvingEQ Filter .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#695>
[i] 00:28 Info: 4 C: opening reverb3 filter processor .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#706>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 D: zCSoundManager: script sounds registered: 80 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: GROUNDSHADOW.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[w] 00:28 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... <zArchiverGeneric.cpp,#1352>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 D: Loading lensflare-script 'lensflare.zen' (7 fx). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:28 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (1 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 D: ARC: .. Closing (16 objects) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 3 D: PFX: Loading pfx-script ... .... <zParticle.cpp,#247>
[i] 00:29 Info: 3 D: PFX: Loading file 'systemparticlefx.src or .dat' .... <zParticle.cpp,#251>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEM_INTERNPARTICLEFXDEF.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEMPFXPARTICLEFXENGINE.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEMPFXPFX.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: SYSTEMPFXPFXMAGIC.D : Parse... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Symbols : 4586 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Code Size : 95004 bytes. .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Linking ok (0.14s). .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:29 Info: 5 U: PAR: Saving PARTICLEFX.DAT .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: DEMON_DIE.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: COLDUMMY.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: healbody.3ds .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: ITMI_RING_01.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: HEALBODY.3DS .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: TELEPORT_AURA.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: MSH: Loading Mesh: NC_OREHEAP_PFX.MSH .... <zMesh.cpp,#3166>
[w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh:oad): Could not load Mesh: Healbody.3DS .... <zMesh.cpp,#427>
[i] 00:30 Info: 3 D: PFX: Num ParticleFX: 280 .... <zParticle.cpp,#297>
[i] 00:30 Info: 4 D: INPUT: Initializing DirectInput .. .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#375>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 D: INPUT: keyboard initialized .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#386>
[w] 00:31 Warn: 0 D: INPUT: mouse NOT initialized. .... <zInput_Win32.cpp,#394>
[i] 00:31 Info: 0 D: *** zEngine-Init ... Done ! .... <zEngine.cpp,#156>
[i] 00:31 ---------------
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: TEX: Searching texture directory for unconverted textures... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 B: DSCAN: Scanning directory "_WORKDATATEXTURES" .... <zscandir.cpp,#202>
[i] 00:31 Info: 2 B: DSCAN: directory: FONTS .... <zscandir.cpp,#119>
[i] 00:31 Info: 2 B: DSCAN: directory: NOMIP .... <zscandir.cpp,#119>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_10_BOOK.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_10_BOOK.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_10_BOOK-C.TEX (512x512x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_10_BOOK_HI.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_10_BOOK_HI.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_10_BOOK_HI-C.TEX (512x512x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_15_BOOK.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_15_BOOK.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:32 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:33 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_15_BOOK-C.TEX (1024x1024x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:33 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_15_BOOK_HI.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:33 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_15_BOOK_HI.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:33 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:34 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_15_BOOK_HI-C.TEX (1024x1024x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:34 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_15_WHITE.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:34 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_15_WHITE.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:34 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:35 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_15_WHITE-C.TEX (512x512x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:35 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_15_WHITE_HI.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:35 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_15_WHITE_HI.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:35 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:35 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_15_WHITE_HI-C.TEX (512x512x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:35 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_DEFAULT.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:35 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_DEFAULT.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:35 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:36 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_DEFAULT-C.TEX (512x512x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:36 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_OLD_10_WHITE.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:36 Info: 5 D: Loading Texture (.TGA): FONT_OLD_10_WHITE.TGA .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:36 Info: 5 D: TGA: has alpha channel, bits: 8 .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:36 Info: 5 D: Saving Texture (internal): FONT_OLD_10_WHITE-C.TEX (512x512x8, mips: 1) .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:36 Info: 4 B: DSCAN: TextureConvert handles FONT_OLD_10_WHITE_HI.TGA .... <zscandir.cpp,#149>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 C: Shutting down MSS .... <zSndMSS.cpp,#552>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 X: EmergencyExit: Releasing all DirectX-Objects ... .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#266>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 X: EmergencyExit: D3DXUninitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#284>
[w] 00:50 Warn: 0 X: [RND3D-Destructor]: Can't uninitialize D3DX Utility Library ! Error: D3DXERR_D3DXNOTSTARTEDYET .... <zRndD3D.h,#124>
[i] 00:50 Info: 5 X: [RND3D-Destructor]: D3DXUninitialize done .... <zRndD3D_Render.cpp,#292>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 == ===================================== UNHANDLED EXCEPTION OCCURED ====================================================== .... <zError.cpp,#465>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 == ============================================ CRASH INFOS: ============================================================== .... <zError.cpp,#465>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 St artup Options: .... <zWin32.cpp,#2393>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 - gameothicgame.ini -vdfshysicalfirst -ztexconvert -zreparse -nomenu -zwindow -zlog:5,s
.... <zWin32.cpp,#2394>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 == ============================================= CALLSTACK : ============================================================== .... <zError.cpp,#465>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 01 6F:005C4148 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000006C 0x00BC6360) SPACER.EXE, zFILE_FILE::UpdateBlock()+552 byte(s) .... <zError.cpp,#465>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 01 6FFF65F21 (0x00401990 0x00401890 0x004018A0 0x004019A0) KERNEL32.DLL, GetFileType()+1736 byte(s) .... <zError.cpp,#465>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 01 6F:008E7480 (0x74F18B56 0xFC468B2B 0x11606857 0x7E8D0040) SPACER.EXE, zCAICamera::`RTTI Complete Object Locator' .... <zError.cpp,#465>
[w] 00:51 Warn: 0 == ===================================== UNHANDLED EXCEPTION OCCURED ====================================================== .... <zError.cpp,#465>
14.03.2002, 10:31 #2
Beiträge: 6.225

Hm vielleicht solltest du die Texturen, die du verändert bzw. hinzugefügt hast, einfach manuell mit GoMan convertieren.
Vergiss aber bitte die Erweiterung "-C" im Dateienamen der TEX Texturen nicht.
14.03.2002, 15:35 #3
Beiträge: 988

Das ist ja das problem.
Auch wenn ich nichts neues einfüge oder verändere kommt diese fehlermeldung.
14.03.2002, 17:46 #4
Beiträge: 1.398

Insbesondere bei DirectX 8.1 auf Windows 2000/XP gibt es Probleme mit der Konvertierung von einigen TGAs.

Einige allgemeine Hinweise:
Lege nur TGAs in das Textur-Verzeichnis, die Du gerade konvertieren willst.
So wird vermieden, dass sich Gothic bei /ConvertAll oder /ConvertTex bei den problematischen Texturen aufhängt.
Ansonsten versuche die Texturkonvertierung unter Windows 98/ME zu machen, da es dort diese Probleme bei mir nicht gab.
(alles-in-allem ist es ein blöder Bug, der nur bei bestimmten Zusammenstellungen von OS/Treiber/DX -Versionen auftritt)

- nico
14.03.2002, 19:36 #5
Beiträge: 988

Ich hab Me, vielleicht ist es ja wegen directX 8.1.
14.03.2002, 22:21 #6
Beiträge: 214

Ich muß mal vorsichtig anfragen, aber man weiß ja nie.
Vielleicht interpretiere ich das auch bloß falsch:

[i] 00:31 Info: 5 D: TEX: Searching texture directory for unconverted textures... .... <zError.cpp,#460>
[i] 00:31 Info: 3 B: DSCAN: Scanning directory "_WORKDATATEXTURES" .... <zscandir.cpp,#202>
[i] 00:31 Info: 2 B: DSCAN: directory: FONTS .... <zscandir.cpp,#119>
[i] 00:31 Info: 2 B: DSCAN: directory: NOMIP .... <zscandir.cpp,#119>

aber das Verzeichnis "_WORKDATATEXTURES _COMPILED" existiet doch? Oder?
15.03.2002, 13:43 #7
Beiträge: 988

Ja die hab ich.

Ach man, warum muß so etwas immer nur mir passieren
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