World of Gothic Archiv > Gothic I - Hilfe
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16.08.2001, 09:12 #1
Beiträge: 429
Hi Leute!

Bin neu hier und hab ein paar Cheats die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt.

insert udshaman_rockefeller- untoter Priester mit vielen nützlichen dingen bei sich.

insert sleeper-Den Schläfer in die Welt einfügen

kill- Gegner in sichtweite töten(funktioniret auch
beim Schläfer, mehr oder weniger)
16.08.2001, 11:41 #2
Beiträge: 349

naja ganz so neu sind die nicht

AIGOTO : player goes to waypoint [name]
APPLY ANIFREQ : set random-ani frequency [ani-name, frequency]
APPLY OVERLAYMDS : enable overlay-MDS [mds-name]
APPLY RANDOMANI : apply a random-ani [ani-name, random-ani-name]
AUTOCOMPLEMENT : autocomplement on/off
CAMERA AUTOSWITCH : toggle camera autoswitch
CAMERA MODE : set camera mode [name]
CHEAT FULL : heal player
CHEAT GOD : godmode on/off
CLEAR ALLDEBUGCHANNELS : clear all debug channels
CLEAR ALLDEBUGINSTANCES : clear all debug instances
CLEAR DEBUGCHANNEL : clear debug channel [ch]
CLEAR DEBUGFOCUS : clear debug focus object
CREATE PARTICLEFX : create new particle-effect-instance [name]
DEBUG DAMAGE : enables/disabled (0/1) damage debug output
DEBUG DAMAGE : enables/disabled (0/1) damage debug output
DELETE PARTICLEFX : delete last used particle-effect-instance
EDIT ABILITIES : edit player-instance
EDIT AI : edit ai parameters
EDIT CAMERA : Camerainstanz editieren
EDIT COMBAT : fight console on/off
EDIT FOCUS : edit focus object
EDIT FX : edits a special effect
EDIT FX : edits a special effect
EDIT PARTICLEFX : edit particle-effect-instance [name]
EDIT SPECIES : edit species values
GOTO VOB : beam player to vob [name] ([num])
GOTO WAYPOINT : beam player to waypoint [name]
HELP : list commands on spy
HERO EXPORT : Exports your hero to the given file.
HERO IMPORT : Imports your hero from the given file.
INSERT : insert a script-instance [name]
KILL : kill focus npc
LC1 : Include LevelChanger to net/netlevel1.zen.
LC2 : Include LevelChanger to net/netlevel2.zen.
LIST CS : List running cutscenes.
LIST CS HISTORY : List all cutscenes in the history-pool.
LIST CS PROPS : List running cutscenes including status and properties.
LIST CS STATES : List running cutscenes including their current status.
LOAD GAME : load game from Slot 0
LOAD POSITION : restore player position
PARSERD MERGE : merge 'SRC' oder 'D'-File
PARSERD OFF : hide parser debug info
PARSERD ON : show parser debug info
PARSERD PCODE : print pcode to spy.
PLAY ANI : play animation [name]
PLAY CS : Play a cutscene (add cutscene-name including extension)
PLAY FACEANI : play a face-ani [name]
PLAY SOUND : player sound instance [name]
PLAY VIDEO : Playing a videofile
PRINT VOB : print info for vob(s) [name]
REMOVE OVERLAYMDS : remove overlay-MDS [mds-name]
SAVE GAME : save game in slot 0
SAVE INFOFILE : save infofile with current console-commands
SAVE POSITION : save player position
SAVE ZEN : save level [name.ZEN]
SET ALLDEBUGCHANNELS : set all debug channels
SET ALLDEBUGINSTANCES : set all debug instances
SET CLIPPINGFACTOR : Setting the clipping-factor. Default is 1. Usually check 0.1 ... 2.0
SET DEBUGCHANNEL : set debug channel [ch]
SET DEBUGFOCUS : set debug focus object
SET FBBOX : show boundingbox of focus object
SET GUILD : set guild [guild]
SET MODELFATNESS : set model fatness [value]
SET PERMATTITUDE : set permanent attitude [attitude]
SET TEMPATTITUDE : set temporary attitude [attitude]
SET THROW : set throw range
SET TIME : set worldtime [hh mm]
SET TRUEGUILD : set true guild [guild]
SHOW CS : Show information of a cutscene (add cutscene-name including extension)
SPAWNMASS : spawns max [num] random monsters around the player
SPAWNMASS : spawns max [num] random monsters around the player
SPAWNMASS GIGA : spawns max [num] random giga monsters around the player
SPAWNMASS GIGA : spawns max [num] random giga monsters around the player
START PARTICLEFX : start particle-effect-instance [name]
TOGGLE ALLDEBUGCHANNELS : toggle all debug channels
TOGGLE ANIINFO : animation-info on/off
TOGGLE CAMDEBUG : Toggles camera debug
TOGGLE CAMERA : change camera mode on/off
TOGGLE CS LIST : Toggle list of running cutscenes on screen
TOGGLE CUTSCENES ENABLED : Enable or disable cutscene-system
TOGGLE DEBUG : debug-Messages on/off
TOGGLE DEBUGCHANNEL : toggle debug channel [ch]
TOGGLE DEBUGFOCUS : toggle debug focus object
TOGGLE DESKTOP : desktop on/off
TOGGLE FRAME : frame-info on/off
TOGGLE FREEPOINTS : freepoints on/off
TOGGLE INERTIATARGET : Toggles averaging of target position (for camera)
TOGGLE MUSICCONTROL : game music logic on/off
TOGGLE NOCLIP : Toggles collision of camera with world
TOGGLE SCREEN : fullscreen / window
TOGGLE SPY : spy-Messages on/off
TOGGLE TEXT : text window on/off
TOGGLE TIME : show worldtime on/off
TOGGLE TURNS : turn player on/off
TOGGLE WAYBOXES : wayboxes on/off
TOGGLE WAYNET : waynet on/off
VERSION : print version info
WITNESS AIM : call reaction aim
WITNESS ATTACK : call reaction attack
WITNESS STEAL : call reaction steal
ZARCTEST : tests integrity of each classes' arc/unarc funcs
ZERR AUTHORS : Set the author-filter for messages (as characters A-Z)
ZERR LEVEL : Set the maximum priority-level for messages (from -1 to 10)
ZERR REM : Include a remark into the error-log.
ZERR SEARCHSPY : Search for existing zSpy if started later than game.
ZERR STATUS : Show error-status (current level, target ...)
ZERR ZVIEW : just for internal tests
ZFOGZONE : inserts test fog-zones
ZHIGHQUALITYRENDER : batch activation of high-quality render options: vob/level farClip, LevelLOD-Strength, Object-LOD, TexMaxSize
ZLIST : list every living object of class [CLASS_NAME], if the class has SHARED_OBJECTS flag
ZLIST CLASSTREE : enumerating class hierarchy
ZLIST MAT : enumerating materials
ZLIST MESH : enumerating meshes
ZLIST MESHESWITHLOTSOFMATERIALS : lists suspicious meshes with large material counts [NUM_MIN]
ZLIST TEX : enumerating textures
ZLIST VOBSWITHBIGBBOX : lists suspicious vobs with very large bboxes
ZMARK : marks outdoor occluder polys
ZMEM CHECKHEAP : checks consistency of current heap allocations
ZMEM DUMPHEAP BLOCKSPERLINE : dumps current heap allocations sorted by block per line
ZMEM DUMPHEAP BYTESPERLINE : dumps current heap allocations sorted by bytes per line
ZMODEL PRINTTREE : prints a model's node hierarchy [MODEL_NAME]
ZOVERLAYMDS APPLY : applies overlay-.MDS to vob's model [VOB_NAME | VOB_ID] [MDS_NAME]
ZOVERLAYMDS REMOVE : removes overlay-.MDS from vob's model [VOB_NAME | VOB_ID] [MDS_NAME]
ZPROGMESHLOD : apply global strength value to all pm LOD rendering, -1(default), 0..1..x
ZRMODE FLAT : rendermode flat
ZRMODE MAT : rendermode material/normal
ZRMODE WIRE : rendermode wireframe
ZRMODE WMAT : rendermode material with overlaid wireframe
ZRNDMODELIST : enumerates the renderers available modes and devices
ZRNDSTAT : renderer statistics
ZSET LEVELFARCLIPZSCALER : adjusts far clipping plane for static level mesh, 1 being default
ZSET LEVELLODFACTOR : adjusts lod strength for static level mesh, -1 resets to default
ZSET VOBFARCLIPZSCALER : adjusts far clipping plane for objects, 1 being default
ZSOUNDMAN DEBUG : toggles SoundManager debug info
ZSTARTANI : starts ani on specified vob if it has a animatable visual [VOB_NAME] [ANI_NAME]
ZSTARTRAIN : starts outdoor rain effect [STRENGTH]
ZTIMER MULTIPLIER : sets factor for slow/quick-motion timing
ZTIMER REALTIME : resets factor for slow/quick-motion timing to realtime
ZTOGGLE LIGHTSTAT : toggles lightmaps/vertLight
ZTOGGLE MARKPMESHMATERIALS : marks vob/pmesh materials with color-code: red=1st mat, blue=2nd mat, green=3rd,
ZTOGGLE MODELSKELETON : toggles drawing of all models node-hierarchies
ZTOGGLE RENDERVOB : toggles drawing of vobs
ZTOGGLE RESMANSTATS : displays resource manager statistics (textures,sounds,..)
ZTOGGLE SHOWHELPVERVISUALS : displays helper visuals for vobs that don't have a natural visualization (eg zCTriggers)
ZTOGGLE SHOWMEM : displays information on heap allocations realtime onscreen
ZTOGGLE SHOWPORTALS : displays portals processed during occlusion during
ZTOGGLE SHOWSPLINES : Toggles camera splines
ZTOGGLE SHOWTRACERAY : displays all rays traced in the world as lines
ZTOGGLE SHOWZONES : lists all zones the camera is currently located in (sound,reverb,fog,..)
ZTOGGLE TEXSTATS : toggles display of scene texture statistics
ZTOGGLE TIMEDEMO : Toggles a time demo with avg FPS Rate
ZTOGGLE VOBBOX : toggles bbox3D drawing of vobs
ZTRIGGER : sends trigger-message to vob [VOB_NAME | VOB_ID]
ZUNTRIGGER : sends untrigger-message to vob [VOB_NAME | VOB_ID]
ZVIDEORES : sets video resolution
ZWORLD ACTIVEVOBS : prints engine-world activeVobList
ZWORLD STATUS : prints some engine-world data
ZWORLD VOBPROPS : prints props of vob with specified name [VOB_NAME | VOB_ID]
ZWORLD VOBTREE : prints engine-world globalVobTree

das wär doch eine nette Signatur, oder?
16.08.2001, 12:11 #3
Beiträge: 6.225

Gut aus dem Toturial kopiert, P.! :D
16.08.2001, 12:48 #4
Beiträge: 349

auswendig hingeschrieben
16.08.2001, 12:53 #5
Beiträge: 697
Malek guck unter: weintraubenreben,Pfeifen und sonstige dinge!!!Da hab ich ne sehr lange frage an dich !!!!!
16.08.2001, 21:43 #6
Beiträge: 429

Also wirklich "P"!

wir wollen mal nicht übertreiben. Hätte ja sein können dass die keiner kennt. Die hab ich in dem
Forum nicht finden können da eure Thementitel nicht grad aufschlussreich sind. Hab noch mehr sachen die ich rausgefunden hab, die poste ich heute aber nicht.:D
16.08.2001, 22:08 #7
Beiträge: 6.225

Es ist halt einfach so:
Gothic ist alt, das Forum ist alt.
Hier gingen einige Tausend Leute ein- und aus. Nur wenige Veteranen sind übrig, die die Anfänge und die Trafficschüber mitgemacht haben.
Da sind eben so viele Sachen gepostet, erklärt und beantwortet worden, da kann man schonmal komisch reagieren, weil man das schon x-mal gelesen hat.
Da kannst du, Gigant nichts für, das ist eben so.
Wenn du trotzdem interessante Sachen oder Ergänzungen gefunden hast, nur her damit.

Auswendig hingeschrieben? Soso. Hast du keine Hobbys?:D
16.08.2001, 22:14 #8
Beiträge: 349

wer hat pro tag fast 20 posts?
16.08.2001, 22:18 #9
Beiträge: 6.225

19.08 um genau zu sein :D

Bald ist Urlaub vorbei, dann werdens wieder weniger.
War ja auch nur Spass.
16.08.2001, 22:31 #10
Beiträge: 349

ich lösch den post, dann hab ich nur mehr 1399
16.08.2001, 22:33 #11
Beiträge: 6.225

hatte ich also recht mit der Telefonnummer, oder warum hast du es gelöscht?
16.08.2001, 22:40 #12
Beiträge: 349

jetzt 1400, nein
hab dir das als e-mail geschickt
der Tip: Blume
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